This is a bonus essay for anyone thoughtful enough to be a subscriber. It was originally published as a Facebook post on Feb 17, 2022.
Interesting times, eh?
I have to throw a nod to our Canadian neighbors who have found the courage and conviction to claim, use and defend their natural rights. We would be wise to recognize the solid example they are setting for the world about when it's time to say, "Enough!"
These folks aren't making unreasonable demands, they are insisting that their government stay in its lane. Personal medical decisions are an individual matter. Coercion from any level is wrong.
But the people who are making a principled, if noisy, stand for their freedoms are being targeted and painted as enemies of the state. The state is going after their personal wealth as if they were genuine terrorist organizations.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?
The ruling class is declaring absolute power and trying to intimidate and economically isolate these protestors and anyone who supported them from the rest of society.
The naked hostility of most of their political leaders and its media stenographers pool is as shocking as it is unwarranted.
I watched about an hour of CBC news last night and their slavish devotion to power would put the fawning U.S. MSM to shame. The current doxxing and shame campaign being waged by journalists in Canada and the U.S. is part of the official effort to crush dissent.
Isn't it interesting how quickly the banks and money-handling systems have fallen into line with the goals of the ruling class? Freezing the accounts of people who either participated in the protests or are merely SUSPECTED of sending financial support.
It raises a very interesting question about whether your money is your property or is now subject to the approval of whomever is in power. I don't know if the bank runs have begun in Canada but 4 of their major banks all went offline briefly yesterday at the same time. Quite a coincidence.
How safe would you feel leaving your money in the bank if you knew that your government was gunning for it based on hacked information from a crowdfunding site?
How can something similar not be headed our way here in the U.S.?
Today, we learn that the FBI is creating a special cryptocurrency enforcement unit. The most highly politicized secret police unit in the world is gearing up to take control of one of the last decentralized institutions.
I'm going to be blunt.
The lines are being drawn.
Hiding in the crowd will not be an option.
A moment of choice approaches and each of us will have to make a decision. That shouldn't be a scary thought but it should make us stop and think.
We are seeing people who are standing firm in their convictions even when the risk to them is real and growing. They are facing being defamed, criminally arrested and financial ruin for refusing to do what the state is commanding them to do.
What might we do under similar circumstances?
Some of you know the answer because you're already doing it.
You see what's coming and understand that it's impossible to compromise your way out of another's compulsion. The very same dynamics that have driven Canada's ruling class to open psychopathy exist in our ruling class as well.
If you're going to be free, it's going to be a matter of choosing to live up to the principles upon which your freedom rests. It's not going to happen because someone in authority decided to bestow it on you.
You have to claim it. If you don't, you're nothing more than a subject to the whims of whomever is currently in power.
You have to use your freedom. Stop asking permission to do peaceful things. Learn when to say no to people in authority.
You have to defend it. This is the part where most people become very hesitant. It's good to approach this soberness. I don't know where the line is for you. I know for myself, there are people and principles that I would defend at any cost.
If you can't think of anything that matters that much, it might be time for some introspection.
We've all been trained to view freedom with suspicion and fear. It is officially considered a threat by governments at every level. You may be a great person but the state still sees your love of freedom as a problem.
That's a pretty hostile environment to go around acting like a free man or woman.
I'm sorry. I know I'm painting a pretty bleak picture. I'm trying to face some hard realities that are fast approaching. I'm encouraging you to see them for what they are and to become comfortable with being uncomfortable.
Focusing on fearful things tends to invite fear into our lives. Don't give more than a tiny percentage of your attention to the truly gloomy stuff. Put your greatest focus on the people and things that bring meaning into your life.
I know that finding the balance between informed and alarmed is getting tougher. I have to contend with this dilemma daily.
Despite all the volatility, I believe God is still very much in charge. We'd be wise to ask for His help. The best place to start is at the individual level. How differently would you live your life if you knew that God had a purpose for you alone to accomplish?
That's a question few people seem to want to ask. Go ahead and ask anyway. You might be surprised.
It's Time🙏🥰